2015年7月8日 星期三

[盛開與衰敗] 入圍洛杉磯市2015年藝術選拔展


[盛開與衰敗] 32 x 42吋  鉛筆素描   楊平猷2015年作 


時間 2015716日 至 2015920日 
地點 Los Angeles Municipal Art  Gallery
4800 Hollywood Boulevard- Los Angeles, CA  90027      323 644 6269
開幕 2015716日 25pm           

以下是文件資料 附上 以作參考
Dear LA Juried Exhibition artist

Congratulations, your artwork has been selected to be part of our 2015 
Los Angeles Juried Exhibition at the Los Angeles Municipal Art 
Gallery, July 26 – September 20, 2015.  Public reception will be held 
on Sunday, July 26 from 2 – 5 pm, at 3:00 pm, Awards ceremony in the 
center of the gallery.

Our Jurors - Peter Frank, curator and art critic, Fatemeh Burns, 
gallery director, curator, full-time professor at Mt. San Antonio 
College, Tomas Benitez, arts professional and community advocate in 
Los Angeles – met on June 30, and spent a considerable amount of time 
making selections for this year’s exhibition
.  We received some 855 + 
entries and jurors selected 100+ works.

Selected work(s) Flowering & Decline

All works must be original (no reproductions), framed and ready to 
hang. Artists with installations must be available to install.  All 
sculpture must have their own pedestal(s),
wet works will not be accepted.

Attached is a loan form for your selected work: Please complete and 
sign it, then send it via US Postage to the Los Angeles Municipal Art 
at the address below. Fill in the information precisely so 
that we can create wall labels for the exhibition.  All works must 
have a loan form on file before we can accept the work in the gallery. 
All works are insured by the City of Los Angles Cultural Affairs 
Department while on exhibition.

    Deliver Art Work:
July 11, 12, (10 – 6 pm.)
    Installation dates: July 13 – 25
    De installation:  September 21 – 24
o    Pick up: September 20 – (5:30 – 7:00 pm)
o    Pick up: September
21 - 22,  (10 – 6 pm )

Please contact chief preparator at Michael Miller, exh_Mmiller@sbcglobal.net

If you are choosing to ship your work please make sure your crate is 
in a reusable container for return shipping. All return shipping must 
be prepaid.  If you have any questions please call the LAMAG 
323-644-6269.  The gallery office hours are Mon – Fri. 10 am – 5 pm.

Should anyone express an interest in purchasing work from the 
exhibition a referral form will be filled out and you will be 
contacted.  We are asking artists who sell work from the exhibition 
consider donating 20% of any sales to the Los Angeles Municipal Art 

Again congratulations, please feel free to contact us if your have any 

Scott Canty
Curator, Los Angles Municipal Art Gallery
4800 Hollywood Boulevard- Los Angeles, CA  90027

  • LOANFORM Gallery DCA Exhibition- Juried 2015[1]

